21 Signs of Spleen Imbalance in Traditional Chinese Medicine

21 Signs of Spleen Imbalance in Traditional Chinese Medicine

21 Signs of Spleen Imbalance in Traditional Chinese Medicine

In the fast-paced and stressful world we live in, we often overlook the signs our bodies send us, indicating that something is amiss. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), health is viewed holistically, with energetic balance playing a crucial role. Among the vital organs in this approach is the Spleen, which plays a pivotal role in maintaining our body’s harmony.

In this article, I will explore some signs of Spleen imbalance according to TCM. These signs can manifest in various ways, from unexplained purple spots on the legs to extreme anxiety. It’s essential to be aware of these symptoms so that we can seek treatments addressing the root cause of the issues, rather than merely alleviating the symptoms.

Signs Imbalance:

1. Unexplained Purple Spots on the Legs;

2. Weakness in the Legs;

3. Fatigue upon Waking;

4. Obsessive Habits;

5. Fibromyalgia;

6. Diabetes;

7. Obesity;

8. Inability to Lose Weight;

9. Sweet Cravings;

10. Sleep Problems;

11. Extreme Anxiety;

12. Repetitive Thoughts;

13. Procrastination;

14. Control Obsession;

15. Negativity;

16. Body Swelling;

17. Excessive Appetite;

18. Red Cheeks;

19. Paranoia;

20. Sadness;

21. Urinary Incontinence;

These are just some of the more obvious signs of Spleen imbalance according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, it’s important to note that there are many other subtler symptoms associated with this imbalance. When we recognize these signs in our bodies, it’s crucial to take action to restore energetic balance.

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Treating Spleen Imbalance with Energetic Therapies:

Once the signs of Spleen imbalance are identified, it is essential to seek treatments that not only alleviate symptoms but also address the root cause of the issue. In TCM, energetic therapies play a significant role in restoring Spleen balance and, consequently, improving overall health.

Energetic therapies include practices such as acupuncture, acupressure, Chinese herbal medicine, and a balanced diet. Acupuncture, for instance, involves stimulating specific points on the body to regulate energy flow, treating imbalances in organs like the Spleen. Acupressure utilizes pressure on the same points to stimulate vital energy.

Chinese herbal medicine involves the use of Chinese medicinal herbs to balance the body and treat imbalances. A proper diet is crucial in TCM, and a specialized therapist can guide in choosing foods and balancing flavors to strengthen the Spleen.

Furthermore, it’s vital to undergo all necessary tests to fully understand your health status and obtain an accurate diagnosis in line with TCM principles. An integrative approach, combining energetic therapies with conventional treatments when necessary, may be the key to reestablishing balance and promoting long-term health.


Recognizing the signs of Spleen imbalance according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is the first step towards holistic health. These signs can vary, encompassing physical issues such as purple spots and leg weakness, as well as emotional challenges like anxiety and negativity.

The TCM approach highlights the importance of addressing not just the symptoms but also the underlying cause of the imbalance. Energetic therapies, such as acupuncture, acupressure, and Chinese herbal medicine, play a crucial role in restoring Spleen balance and, consequently, improving overall health.

It’s essential to remember that TCM can complement Western medicine, and an integrative approach considering both perspectives can yield the best results. Therefore, if you identify signs of Spleen imbalance, do not hesitate to seek guidance from a TCM specialist to restore harmony and promote well-being. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Take care!