Balancing the Spleen/Pancreas in TCM

Balancing the Spleen/Pancreas in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Connections between Emotional State and Physical Health

Balancing the Spleen/Pancreas in Traditional Chinese Medicine: Connections between Emotional State and Physical Health

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), emotional state plays a crucial role in overall health. The Spleen/Pancreas (S/P) is a central organ in this medical system, and its balance is essential for promoting good health. In this article, we will explore the relationship between emotional state and the S/P, as well as discuss the most common symptoms associated with imbalances in this organ. We will also address some effective TCM strategies, such as physical exercise, dietary changes, and acupuncture, to help restore the balance of the S/P.

Emotional State and the Spleen/Pancreas:

According to TCM, the S/P is associated with the emotional state of control over one’s life. It is influenced by excessive thinking, especially the “what if” thoughts that generate constant worry and anxiety about the future. This mental restlessness can lead to an imbalance in the S/P, negatively affecting health.

Common Symptoms of Spleen/Pancreas Imbalances:

Imbalances in the S/P can manifest in various ways. Some of the most common symptoms include:

a) Excessive weight gain: S/P imbalance can result in a slower metabolism and difficulties in digestion, leading to unwanted weight gain.

b) Irritable bowel syndrome: Digestive disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome, can occur due to weakened S/P function in TCM.

c) Fibromyalgia and leg pain: The S/P is responsible for proper blood circulation, and its imbalance can result in chronic pain, such as fibromyalgia, and a sensation of heavy and achy legs.

d) Low libido: Issues with the S/P can affect sexual energy, resulting in decreased libido.

e) Digestive disorders: Symptoms like loose stools and difficulties in digestion can be related to S/P imbalances.

f) Other symptoms: Skin problems, constant worry, difficulty finding joy, addictions, and blackening of the big toe nail can also be signs of S/P imbalance.

Treatment Strategies for Balancing the Spleen/Pancreas:

After conducting examinations and consulting with a TCM specialist, several approaches may be recommended to restore the balance of the S/P. Here are some effective strategies:

a) Physical exercise: Engaging in regular physical activities can strengthen the S/P, improve blood circulation, and alleviate symptoms associated with the imbalance.

b) Dietary changes: Following a balanced diet, consisting of nutritious and easily digestible foods, can help strengthen the S/P. Avoiding processed foods, refined sugar, and fatty foods is recommended.

c) Acupuncture: Acupuncture is a widely used technique in TCM to balance the organs and promote overall health. Applying needles to specific points on the body can stimulate the flow of energy and help restore the balance of the S/P.

d) Chinese herbal medicine: The use of specific medicinal herbs can complement the treatment for balancing the S/P. A TCM specialist can prescribe appropriate herbal formulas for each specific case.


Traditional Chinese medicine offers a holistic approach to treating Spleen/Pancreas imbalances, considering both emotional and physical aspects. Through practices such as physical exercise, dietary changes, acupuncture, and Chinese herbal medicine, it is possible to restore the balance of the S/P and promote overall health. Always remember to seek guidance from qualified and specialized professionals in TCM for appropriate and personalized treatment. Take care of your emotional and physical well-being to lead a healthy and balanced life.

Sincerely, Atmo Nayano

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